Honus Wagner  Cobb / William / R. / (EDT) / Wagner / 1587263084 / 2006-04-30 / NT$ 873
    The Dictionary Of National Celebrity  DONALDSON / Willie / Cassell Guid / 0304368059 / 2006-01-28 / NT$ 628
    Dealing  Pluto / TERRY / Baker & Tayl / 1598510223 / 2006-04-30 / NT$ 873
    Islam: Religion, History, and Civilization  Nasr / Seyyed / HarperSanFra / 0060507144 / 2003-01-01 / NT$ 453
    The Wedding Video Handbook  Barber / Kirk / C M P Book / 1578202817 / 2006-01-09 / NT$ 1,223
    Fit to Play Tennis  PETERSEN / Carl / Nittinger / Nin / Baker & Tayl / 0972275959 / 2006-04-28 / NT$ 698
    The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time  Durant / WILL / Simon & Sc / 0743235533 / 2002-11-01 / NT$ 700
    Make Your Own Adult Video  Joy / Petra / Bramwell / David / HarperCollin / 0060851929 / 2006-01-01 / NT$ 523
    The 50 Greatest Red Sox Games  TAN / Cecilia / Nowlin / BILL / Baker & Tayl / 0471697516 / 2006-04-28 / NT$ 803
    The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our  Patrick / J. / B / St. Martin's / 0312302592 / 2002-10-01 / NT$ 523
    The Architecture of Loss  CHo / JULIA / 0822220288 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 312
    How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of how Western Europe's  HERMAN / Arth / Crown Publis / 0609809997 / 2002-09-24 / NT$ 523
    Chicago Baseball in the City  Gentile / Derek / Terkel / Studs / Advantage Pu / 159223576X / 2006-04-28 / NT$ 698
    The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know  Trefil / Jame / Houghton Mif / 0618226478 / 2002-09-01 / NT$ 1,048
    The Tricky Part  Moran / MARTIN / 0822220369 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 312
    Baseball's Most Wanted  Conner / Floyd / 1578661579 / 2006-04-27 / NT$ 279
    How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe's  HERMAN / Arth / Crown Publis / 0609606352 / 2001-11-01 / NT$ 908
    Say You Love Satan  Aguirre-Sacasa / Roberto / 0822220393 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 312
    The Ultimate Golf Book  McGRATH / Charles / (EDT) / McCorm / HOUGHTON / 0618710256 / 2006-04-26 / NT$ 558
    Ancient Mysteries  James / Peter / BALLANTINE / 0345434889 / 2001-10-30 / NT$ 700
    Exits And Entrances  Fugard / Athol / 0822220415 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 312
    Here's to You, Jackie Robinson  Formichella / Joe / Fimrite / Ron / Baker & Tayl / 1596921811 / 2006-04-21 / NT$ 455
    Sprezzatura: 50 Ways That Italian Genius Shaped the World  D / Epiro / Pet / RANDOM HOUSE / 038572019X / 2001-10-01 / NT$ 490
    Nickel And Dimed  Holden / Joan / 0822220423 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 312
    Extraordinary Putting  Shoemaker / Fred / Hardy / Johann / Baker & Tayl / 0399153330 / 2006-04-20 / NT$ 768
    From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life, 1500 to the Present  Barzun / JACQ / HarperTrade / 0060928832 / 2001-06-01 / NT$ 700
    Humpty Dumpty  Bogosian / Eric / 0822220458 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 312
    Ichiro's Art of Playing Baseball  Rosenthal / Jim / Dipace / TOM / (P / 0312358318 / 2006-04-18 / NT$ 558
    Beyond Civilization: Humanity's Next Great Adventure  QUINN / Danie / Crown Publis / 0609805363 / 2000-11-01 / NT$ 453
    The Magic Fire  Groag / Lillian / 0822220504 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 312
    Soccerhead  Haner / Jim / Farrar, Stra / 0865476942 / 2006-04-18 / NT$ 840
    Building a Bridge to the Eighteenth Century: How the Past Can Improve Our Future  Postman / Nei / Knopf Publis / 0375701273 / 2000-10-01 / NT$ 455
    Baptized to the Bone  Johnson / Dave / 0822220679 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 312
    The Golfer's Guide to Pilates  Clyde / Monica / Holmes / ROBERT / Ulysses Pr / 1569755388 / 2006-04-14 / NT$ 523
    The Gift: The Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies  Mauss / Marce / Norton & Co / 039332043X / 2000-08-01 / NT$ 488
    The Flu Season  Eno / WILL / 0822220776 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 312
    Coaching a Wing-T Based Multiple Offense  Shroyer / CHUCK / Baker & Tayl / 1585189499 / 2006-04-13 / NT$ 698
    How to Think about the Great Ideas: From the Great Books of Western Civilization  ADLER / Morti / Open Court / 0812694120 / 2000-04-01 / NT$ 873
    Historical Dictionary of American Radio Soap Operas  Cox / Jim / Baker & Tayl / 081085323X / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 3,920
    I Golfed Across Mongolia  Tolme / ANDRE / Avalon Publi / 1560258225 / 2006-04-12 / NT$ 875
    Year 1000: What Life Was like at the Turn of the First Millennium: An Englishman  Lacey / Rober / LITTLE BROWN / 0316511579 / 2000-03-01 / NT$ 453
    The Women of Lockerbie  Brevoort / Deborah / 0822220792 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 312
    Davis Cup 2005  Bowers / Chris / Paribas / B. / N. / Universe P / 0789313766 / 2006-04-11 / NT$ 1,225
    The Invasion of Europe by the Barbarians  Bury / JOHN / B / Norton & Co / 0393003884 / 1999-12-01 / NT$ 488
    Palm Springs Confidential  Johns / Howard / Barricade Bo / 1569802971 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 698
    Soccer Against the Enemy  Kuper / SIMON / Baker & Tayl / 1560258780 / 2006-04-10 / NT$ 523
    Story of Mankind  Van / LOON / He / Liveright Pu / 0871401754 / 1999-12-01 / NT$ 523
    Moonlight And Magnolias  Hutchinson / Ron / 0822220849 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 312
    Reversing the Curse  SHAUGHNESSY / DAN / HOUGHTON / 0618711910 / 2006-04-06 / NT$ 488
    Seekers: The Story of Man's Continuing Quest to Understand His World  Boorstin / DA / Knopf Incorp / 0375704752 / 1999-10-01 / NT$ 525
    Woman Before a Glass  Robertson / Lanie / 0822220857 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 312
    Florida Gators  Not / Available / (NA) / Sports Publ / 1596701013 / 2006-04-06 / NT$ 698
    Heaven's Mirror: Quest for the Lost Civilization, Vol. 1  Hancock / Gra / Crown Publis / 0609804774 / 1999-10-01 / NT$ 875
    Life Is Short  Pospisil / Craig / 0822220865 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 312
    The 50 Greatest Yankee Games  TAN / Cecilia / Baker & Tayl / 0471763136 / 2006-04-05 / NT$ 523
    Elizabethtown  CROWE / Cameron / Faber & Fab / 057122881X / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 455
    Token Chick  LADD / Cheryl / Hellman / BOB / 1401359973 / 2006-04-05 / NT$ 488
    Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order  Samuel / P. / Hu / Simon & Sc / 0684844419 / 1998-02-01 / NT$ 525
    Around the World Through Holidays  Peterson / CAROL / Baker & Tayl / 1594690138 / 2005-12-30 / NT$ 1,400
    Golf After 50  Hensle / TERRY / W. / M.D. / (EDT) / Rodale Pre / 1594860793 / 2006-04-04 / NT$ 663
    Sarah Bernhardt  Ockman / CAROL / Silver / Kenneth / Yale Unive / 0300109199 / 2005-12-28 / NT$ 1,750
    Wrigleyworld  Kaduk / Kevin / Baker & Tayl / 0451218124 / 2006-04-04 / NT$ 838
    The Intent to Live  Moss / LARRY / Bantam Books / 0553381202 / 2005-12-27 / NT$ 490
    Believeniks! 2005  Felt / Ivan / Conklin / Harris / Doubleday Ca / 0385517165 / 2006-04-04 / NT$ 803
    Sensory Worlds in Early America  HOFFER / Peter / Charles / Baker & Tayl / 080188392X / 2006-12-20 / NT$ 1,400
    Red Light Winter  Rapp / ADAM / Faber & Fab / 0865479542 / 2005-12-27 / NT$ 455
    Three Nights in August  Bissinger / H. / G. / HOUGHTON / 0618710531 / 2006-04-04 / NT$ 488
    American Hegemony And the Postwar Reconstruction of Science in Europe  Krige / JOHN / MIT Press / 0262112973 / 2006-11-30 / NT$ 1,920
    Amusing Ourselves to Death  Postman / NEIL / Baker & Tayl / 014303653X / 2005-12-27 / NT$ 490
    Shining Path  TAYLOR / LEWIS / Baker & Tayl / 1846310040 / 2006-11-15 / NT$ 4,760
    Superpower Principles  Lamrani / Salim / (EDT) / Common Coura / 1567513417 / 2006-11-15 / NT$ 1,918
    The Focal Easy Guide to Final Cut Pro 5  Young / RICK / Elsevier Sci / 0240520157 / 2005-12-05 / NT$ 873
    The JFK Assassination Debates  Kurtz / Michael / L. / 0700614745 / 2006-11-08 / NT$ 1,048
    Ten-Tronck's 2006-07 Star Guide  Not / Available / (NA) / Baker & Tayl / 0943213770 / 2005-12-05 / NT$ 523
    Mort Kunstler's Civil War Vision  Kunstler / Mort / Cumberland / 1581825560 / 2006-11-06 / NT$ 663
    Utopia In Performance  Dolan / Jill / University / 0472069071 / 2005-12-02 / NT$ 1,285
    Slow Is Beautiful  Andrews / Cecile / 0865715548 / 2006-11-01 / NT$ 593
    The Greatest Circus Stories Ever Told  BRENNAN / STEPHEN / Vincent / Globe Pequot / 1592287409 / 2005-12-01 / NT$ 873
    Fermenting Revolution  O..Brien / CHRISTOPHER / Mark / 0865715564 / 2006-11-01 / NT$ 628
    No-nonsense Guide to Science  Ravetz / JEROME / 1904456464 / 2006-11-01 / NT$ 418
    Emancipating New York  Gellman / David / NATHANIEL / 0807131741 / 2006-11-01 / NT$ 2,800
    Germans in the Civil War  Kamphoefner / WALTER / D. / (EDT) / 0807830445 / 2006-10-30 / NT$ 2,878
    Who Sang What on Broadway, 1866?996  Benjamin / Ruth / Rosenblatt / Ar / Baker & Tayl / 0786421894 / 2005-11-30 / NT$ 2,520
    Sea Change at Annapolis  Gelfand / H. / Michael / McCain / J / 080783047X / 2006-10-30 / NT$ 1,678
    Who Sang What on Broadway, 1866?996  Benjamin / Ruth / Rosenblatt / Ar / Baker & Tayl / 0786421908 / 2005-11-30 / NT$ 2,520
    Jamestown, the Buried Truth  Kelso / William / M. / 0813925630 / 2006-10-30 / NT$ 1,677
    Magic On The Early English Stage  Butterworth / PHILIP / Cambridge / 052182513X / 2005-11-30 / NT$ 4,080
    Life Along the Border  Mireles / Jovita / Gonzalez / Cote / 1585445649 / 2006-10-30 / NT$ 1,005
    Plantation Enterprise in Colonial South Carolina  Edelson / MAX / S. / Edelson / S. / Harvard Univ / 067402303X / 2006-10-30 / NT$ 2,520
    The Colossal P. T. Barnum Reader  Barnum / Phineas / T. / Cook / Jame / University o / 0252072952 / 2005-11-30 / NT$ 698
    Clocks of New York  Desantis / Chris / Parmar / Vinit / 0786426802 / 2006-10-30 / NT$ 2,520
    Inside Hollywood  Not / Available / (NA) / Baker & Tayl / 1932958053 / 2005-11-30 / NT$ 1,398
    Largest Cavalry Battle of the Civil War  McKinney / Joseph / W. / 0786425849 / 2006-10-30 / NT$ 3,080
    The Rough Guide to Comedy Movies  McCabe / BOB / Rough Guid / 1843534649 / 2005-11-21 / NT$ 525
    Australia-the East  Beletsky / LES / Interlink Pu / 1566566142 / 2006-08-31 / NT$ 1,048
    War's Relentless Hand  Dunkelman / Mark / H. / 0807131903 / 2006-10-21 / NT$ 1,223
    American Sideshow  Hartzman / Marc / Baker & Tayl / 1585424412 / 2005-11-17 / NT$ 1,013
    Malaysia Travel Pack  Oon / HELEN / Baker & Tayl / 1845373227 / 2006-08-30 / NT$ 523
    Thinking With James Carey  Packer / Jeremy / (EDT) / Robertso / Baker & Tayl / 0820474053 / 2005-11-16 / NT$ 1,509
    Shoot First And Ask Questions Later  LEWIS / Justin / (EDT) / BROOKES / Baker & Tayl / 0820474185 / 2005-11-16 / NT$ 1,677

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